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Dr.Sangita Mukhopadhyay
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List of Publication of Dr Sangita Mukhopadhyay

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Total Citation:2718, h-index:23( as per Google Scholar)

  1. Pal R, Battu MB and Mukhopadhyay S*. (2022). Therapeutic application of PPE2 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in inhibiting tissue inflammation. EMBO Molecular Medicine 14(9):e14891. doi: 10.15252/emmm.202114891 (Impact Factor 10.29)

  2. Pal R, Bisht MK and Mukhopadhyay S*. Secretory proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and their roles in modulation of host immune responses: Focus on therapeutic targets (2022). The FEBS Journal 289(14):4146-4171. doi: 10.1111/febs.16369 (Impact factor- 5.62; Citations -1)

  3. Shrivastava R, Pradhan G, Ghosh S and Mukhopadhyay S*. Rabaptin5 acts as a key regulator for Rab7l1-mediated phagosome maturation process (2022). Immunology 165:328-340. (Impact factor- 7.397; Citation – 1))

  4. Pal R, Bisht MK and Mukhopadhyay S* . Secretory proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and their roles in modulation of host immune responses: Focus on therapeutic targets (2022). The FEBS Journal . 289(14):4146-4171. doi: 10.1111/febs.16369 (Impact factor- 5.62; . Citations -1)

  5. Pal R, Ghosh S and Mukhopadhyay S*. Moonlighting by PPE2 protein: Focus on Mycobacterial virulence (2021). Journal of Immunology 207:2393-2397. (Invited Review) (Impact factor- 5.422; Citation - 3)

  6. Sontyana B, Shrivastava R, Battu S, Ghosh S and Mukhopadhyay S*. Phagosome maturation and modulation of macrophage effector functions by intracellular pathogens: targets for therapeutics (2021). Future Microbiology 17:59-76 (Invited Review) (Impact factor- 3.19)

  7. Srivastava S, Abraham PR and Mukhopadhyay S*. Aptamers: An Emerging Tool for Diagnosis and Therapeutics in Tuberculosis (2021). Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 11:656421 (Impact factor- 5.293; Citation - 2)

  8. Srivastava S and Mukhopadhyay S*. Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein PPE2 binds to DNA region containing promoter activity (2021). Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 567:166-170 (Impact factor- 3.575)

  9. Pal R and Mukhopadhyay S*. PPE2 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis affects myeloid hematopoiesis in mice (2021). Immunobiology 226: 152051 (Impact factor- 3.144; Citations -3)

  10. Jha V, Pal R, Kumar D and Mukhopadhyay S*. ESAT-6 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis increases holotransferrin-mediated iron uptake in macrophages by downregulating surface hemochromatosis protein HFE (2020). Journal of Immunology 205: 3095-3106. (Impact factor- 5.422; Citation - 4)

  11. Dolasia K, Nazar F amd Mukhopadhyay S*. Mycobacterium tuberculosis PPE18 protein inhibits MHC class II antigen presentation and B cell response in mice (2020). European Journal of Immunology 51:603-619. (Impact factor- 5.532; Citations - 6)

  12. Jha V, Rao RN, Janardhan S, Raman R, Sastry GN, Sharma V, Rao JS, Kumar D and Mukhopadhyay S*. Uncovering structural and molecular dynamics of ESAT-6:β2M interaction: Asp53 of human β2-microglobulin is critical for the ESAT-6:β2M complexation (2019). Journal of Immunology 203: 1918-1929 (Impact factor- 5.422; Citations 7)

  13. Srivastava S, Battu MB, Khan MZ, Nandicoori VK, Mukhopadhyay S*. Mycobacterium tuberculosis PPE2 protein interacts with p67phox and inhibits reactive oxygen species production (2019). Journal of Immunology 203: 1218-1229 (Impact factor- 5.422; Citations 13)

  14. Pal R, Nazar F and Mukhopadhyay S*. The PE and PPE family proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: What they are upto? (2019). A chapter in the book titled "Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Molecular & Functional Epidemiology, Virulence, and Pathogenesis" published by Springer. ( Invited Review; Citation - 1)

  15. Udgata A, Dolasia K, Ghosh S and Mukhopadhyay S*. Dribbling through the host defence: targeting the TLRs by pathogens (2019). Critical Reviews of Microbiology 45: 354-368. (Impact factor- 7.349; Citations - 4)

  16. Pradhan G, Raj Abraham P, Shrivastava R, Mukhopadhyay S*. Calcium signaling commands phagosome maturation process (2019). International Reviews of Immunology 38: 57-69. (Impact factor- 3.481; Citations - 9)

  17. Qureshi R, Rameshwaram NR, Battu MB and Mukhopadhyay S*. PPE65 of M. tuberculosis regulate pro-inflammatory signalling through LRR domains of Toll like receptor-2 (2019). Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 508: 152-158. (Impact factor- 3.575; Citations – 6))

  18. Abraham PR, Devalraju KP, Jha V, Valluri VL and Mukhopadhyay S*. PPE17 (Rv1168c) protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis detects individuals with latent TB infection (2018). PLoS ONE 13: e0207787. (Impact factor- 3.752; Citation – 13)

  19. Pradhan G, Shrivastva R and Mukhopadhyay S*. Mycobacterial PknG targets the Rab7l1 signaling pathway to inhibit phagosome-lysosome fusion (2018). Journal of Immunology 201: 1421-1433. (Impact factor- 5.422, Citations- 25)

  20. Ahmed A, Dolasia K and Mukhopadhyay S*. Mycobacterium tuberculosis PPE18 protein reduces inflammation and increases survival in animal model of sepsis (2018). Journal of Immunology 200: 3587-3598. (Impact factor- 5.422, Citations- 13)

  21. Rameshwaram NR, Singh P, Ghosh S* and Mukhopadhyay S*. Lipid metabolism and intracellular bacterial virulence: key to next-generation therapeutics (2018). Future Microbiology 13: 1301-1328. (Impact factor- 3.19, Citations- 25) Dolasia K, Bisht MK, Pradhan G, Udgata A and Mukhopadhyay S*. TLRs/NLRs: Shaping the landscape of host immunity (2018). International Reviews of Immunology 37: 3-19. (Impact factor- 3.481, citation- 115)

  22. Singh P, Rameshwaram NR, Ghosh S and Mukhopadhyay S* . Cell envelope lipids in the pathophysiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (2018). Future Microbiology 13: 689-710. (Impact factor- 3.19 , Citations- 25)

  23. Bhat KH, Srivastava S, Kotturu SK, Ghosh S and Mukhopadhyay S* . The PPE2 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis translocates to host nucleus and inhibits nitric oxide production (2017). Scientific Reports 7: 39706. (Impact factor- 4.996, Citations 29)

  24. Abraham PR, Pathak N, Pradhan G, Sumanlatha G and Mukhopadhyay S* . The N-terminal domain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis PPE17 (Rv1168c) protein plays a dominant role in inducing antibody responses in active TB patients (2017). PLoS ONE 12: e0179965. Impact factor- 3.752; Citations - 7)

  25. Mukhopadhyay S* and Ghosh S*. Mycobacterium tuberculosis: what is the role of PPE2 during infection? (2017). Future Microbiology 12: 457-460. (Invited Review) (Impact factor- 3.19; Citations - 4)

  26. Rao RN, Shrivastava R, Pradhan G, Singh P and Mukhopadhyay S* . Phagosome lysosome fusion hijack - An art of intracellular pathogens (2017). Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Science 83: 533-548 doi: 10.16943/ptinsa/2017/48971 (Citation – 2).

  27. Udgata A, Qureshi R and Mukhopadhyay S* . Transduction of functionally contrasting signals by two mycobacterial PPE proteins downstream of TLR2 receptors (2016). Journal of Immunology 197: 1776-1787. (Impact factor- 5.422, Citations- 19)

  28. Singh P, Rao RN, Reddy JR, Prasad RB, Kotturu SK, Ghosh S and Mukhopadhyay S* . PE11, a PE/PPE family protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is involved in cell wall remodeling and virulence (2016). Scientific Reports 6: 21624. (Impact factor- 4.996 Citations- 92)

  29. Abraham PR, Udgata A, Latha GS and Mukhopadhyay S* . The Mycobacterium tuberculosis PPE protein Rv1168c induces stronger B cell response than Rv0256c in active TB patients (2016). Infection, Genetics and Evolution 40: 339-345. (Impact factor- 3.342; Citation - 7)

  30. Ahmed A, Das A and Mukhopadhyay S* . Immunoregulatory functions and expression patterns of PE/PPE family members: Roles in pathogenicity and impact on anti-tuberculosis vaccine and drug design (2015). IUBMB Life. 67: 414-427. (Impact factor- 3.885, Citations 37)

  31. Hussain Bhat K and Mukhopadhyay S* . Macrophage takeover and the host-bacilli interplay during tuberculosis (2015). Future Microbiology 10: 853-872. (Impact factor- 3.19, Citations- 46)

  32. Sreejit G, Ahmed A, Parveen N, Jha V, Valluri VL, Ghosh S and Mukhopadhyay S* . The ESAT-6 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis interacts with beta-2-microglobulin (β2M) affecting antigen presentation function of macrophage (2014). PLoS Pathogens 10: e1004446. (Impact factor 7.464 , Citations- 129)

  33. Abraham PR, Latha GS, Valluri VL and Mukhopadhyay S* . Mycobacterium tuberculosis PPE protein Rv0256c induces strong B cell response in tuberculosis patients (2014). Infection Genetics and Evolution 22: 244-249. (Impact factor-3.342, Citations- 15)

  34. Parveen N, Varman R, Nair S, Das G, Ghosh S and Mukhopadhyay S*. Endocytosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis heat shock protein 60 is required to induce interleukin-10 production in macrophages (2013). Journal of Biological Chemistry 288: 24956-24971. (Impact factor- 5.486, Citations- 58)

  35. Bhat KH, Das A, Srikantam A and Mukhopadhyay S*. PPE2 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis may inhibit nitric oxide in activated macrophages (2013). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1283: 97-101. (Impact factor- 5.167, Citations 36)

  36. Bhat KH, Ahmed A, Kumar S, Sharma P and Mukhopadhyay S*. Role of PPE18 protein in intracellular survival and pathogenicity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in mice (2012). PLoS ONE 7: e52601. (Impact factor- 3.752, Citations- 51)

  37. Bhat KH, Chaytanya CK, Parveen N, Varman R, Ghosh S and Mukhopadhyay S*. Proline-proline-glutamic acid (PPE) protein Rv1168c of Mycobacterium tuberculosis augments transcription from HIV-1 long terminal repeat promoter (2012). Journal of Biological Chemistry 287: 16930-16946. (Impact factor- 5.486, Citations- 34)

  38. Akhter Y, Ehebauer MT, Mukhopadhyay S and Hasnain SE (2012). The PE/PPE multigene family codes for virulence factors and is a possible source of mycobacterial antigenic variation: perhaps more (2012). Biochimie 94: 110-116. (Impact factor- 4.079, Citations-149)

  39. Mukhopadhyay S*, Nair S and Ghosh S. Pathogenesis in tuberculosis: transcriptomic approaches to unraveling virulence mechanisms and finding new drug targets (2012). FEMS Microbiology Reviews 36: 463-485. (Impact factor- 16.41, Citations- 81)

  40. Nair S, Pandey AD and Mukhopadhyay S* . The PPE18 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis inhibits NF-B/rel-mediated proinflammatory cytokine production by upregulating and phosphorylating suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 protein (2011). Journal of Immunology 186: 5413-5424. (Impact factor- 5.422, Citations- 85)

  41. Das A. and Mukhopadhyay S* . The evil axis of obesity, inflammation and type-2 diabetes (2011). Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders - Drug Targets 11: 23-31. (Impact factor- 2.68, Citations- 57)

  42. Mukhopadhyay S* and Balaji KN. The PE and PPE proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (2011). Tuberculosis 91: 441-447. (Impact factor- 3.131, Citations- 112)

  43. Alam K, Ghousunnissa S, Nair S, Valluri VL, and Mukhopadhyay S* . Glutathione-redox balance regulates c-rel-driven IL-12 production in macrophages: possible implications in antituberculosis immunotherapy (2010). Journal of Immunology 184: 2918-2929. (Impact factor- 5.422, Citations- 64)

  44. Bashir N, Kounsar F, Mukhopadhyay S , and Hasnain SE. Mycobacterium tuberculosis conserved hypothetical protein rRv2626c modulates macrophage effector functions (2010). Immunology 130: 34-45. (Impact factor- 7.397, Citations- 36)

  45. Nair S, Ramaswamy PA, Ghosh S, Joshi DC, Ghosh S, Pathak N, Siddiqui I, Sharma P, Hasnain SE, Mande SC and Mukhopadhyay S* . The PPE18 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis interacts with TLR2 and activates IL-10 induction in macrophage (2009). Journal of Immunology 183: 6269-6281. (Impact factor- 5.422, Citations- 195)

  46. Tundup S, Pathak N, Ramanadham M, Mukhopadhyay S, Murthy KJR, Ehtesham NZ, and Hasnain SE. The co-operonic PE25/PPE41 protein complex of Mycobacterium tuberculosis elicits increased humoral and cell mediated immune response (2008). PLoS ONE 3: e3586. (Impact factor- 3.752, Citations-80)

  47. Khan N, Alam K, Nair S, Valluri VL, Murthy KJR and Mukhopadhyay S*. Association of Strong Immune Responses to PPE Protein Rv1168c with Active Tuberculosis (2008). Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 15: 974-980. (Impact factor-2.598, Citations- 52)

  48. Khan N, Alam K, Mande SC, Valluri VL, Hasnain SE and Mukhopadhyay S*. Mycobacterium tuberculosis heat shock protein 60 modulates immune response to PPD by manipulating the surface expression of TLR2 on macrophages (2008). Cellular Microbiology 10: 1711-1722. (Impact factor- 3.715, Citations- 36)

  49. Hussain MA, Naveed SA, Sechi LA, Ranjan S, Alvi A, Ahmed I, Ranjan A, Mukhopadhyay S, and Ahmed N (2008). Isocitrate dehydrogenase of Helicobacter pylori potentially induces humoral immune response in subjects with peptic ulcer disease and gastritis (2008). PLoS ONE 3: e1481. (Impact factor- 3.572, Citations- 19)

  50. Khan N, Ghousunnissa S, Jegadeeswaran SM, Thiagarajan D, Hasnain SE, and Mukhopadhyay S*. Anti-B7-1/B7-2 antibody elicits innate-effector responses in macrophages through NF-B-dependent pathway (2007). International Immunology 19: 477-486. (Impact factor- 3.403, Citations- 23)

  51. Boddupalli CS, Ghosh S, Rahim SS, Nair S, Ehtesham NZ, Hasnain SE and Mukhopadhyay S* . Nitric oxide inhibits interleukin-12 p40 through p38 MAPK-mediated regulation of calmodulin and c-rel (2007). Free Radical Biology and Medicine 42: 686-697. (Impact factor- 7.376, Citations- 15)

  52. Mukhopadhyay S* , Nair S, and Hasnain SE. Nitric oxide: Friendly rivalry in tuberculosis (2007). Current Signal Transduction Therapy 2: 121-128.

  53. Khan N, Rahim SS, Boddupalli CS, Ghousunnissa Padma SS, Pathak N, Thiagarajan D, Hasnain SE and Mukhopadhyay S*. Hydrogen peroxide inhibits IL-12 p40 induction in macrophages by inhibiting c-rel translocation to the nucleus through activation of calmodulin protein (2006). Blood 107: 1513-1520. (Impact factor- 25.48, Citations- 49)

  54. Silswal N, Singh AK, Aruna B, Mukhupadhyay S, Ghosh S, and Ehtesham NZ. Human resistin stimulates the pro-inammatory cytokines TNF- and IL-12 in macrophages by NF-B-dependent pathway (2005). Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 334: 1092-1101. (Impact factor- 3.575, Citations- 797)

  55. Rahim SS, Khan N, Boddupalli CS, Hasnain SE and Mukhopadhyay S*. IL-10 mediated suppression of IL-12 production in RAW 264.7 cells also involves c-rel transcription factor (2004). Immunology 114: 313-321. (Impact factor- 7.397 , Citations- 88)

  56. Ghosh S, Rasheedi S, Rahim SS, Banerjee S, Choudhary RK, Chakhaiyar P, Ehtesham NZ, Mukhopadhyay S and Hasnain SE. Method for enhancing solubility of the expressed recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli (2004). Biotechniques 37: 418-423. (Impact factor- 1.993, Citations- 62)

  57. Mukhopadhyay S*, Srivastava VML, Murthy PK and Hasnain SE. Poorer NF-B signaling by microfilariae in macrophages from BALB/c mice affects their ability to produce cytotoxic levels of nitric oxide to kill microfilariae (2004). FEBS Letter 567: 275-280. (Impact factor- 4.124, Citations- 24)

  58. Choudhary RK, Mukhopadhyay S, Chakhaiyar P, Sharma N, Murthy KJR, Katoch VM and Hasnain SE. PPE antigen Rv2430c of Mycobacterium tuberculosis induces a strong B cell response (2003). Infection Immunity 71: 6338-6343. (Impact factor- 3.256, Citations-166)

  59. Bashyam MD and Mukhopadhyay S. Status of Tuberculosis in India-2003 (R. Nayak, M. S. Shaila and G. R. Rao eds.) and Trends in Malaria and Vaccine Research: The current Indian Scenario (D. Raghunath and R.Nayak eds.). Book Review (2003). Infection, Genetics and Evolution 3: 75-77. (Impact factor- 3.342, Citations-6)

  60. Ghosh S, Singh AK, Aruna B, Mukhopadhyay S, and Ehtesham NZ. The genomic organization of mouse resistin reveals major difference from the human resistin (2003). Gene 305: 27-34. (Impact factor- 3.688, Citations- 216)

  61. Mukhopadhyay S , Mohanty M, Mangla A, George A, Bal V, Rath S, and Ravindran B. Macrophage effector functions controlled by Bruton's tyrosine kinase are more crucial for microfilarial clearance than the cytokine balance of T cell responses (2002). Journal of Immunology 168: 2914-2921. (Impact factor- 5.422, Citations- 126)

  62. Bhatia S, Mukhopadhyay S, Jarman E, Hall G, George A, Rath S, Lamb JR and Bal V. Scavenger receptor-specific allergen delivery elicits IFN--dominated immunity and directs established Th2-dominated responses to a non-allergic phenotype (2002). Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 109: 321-328. (Impact factor- 14.29, Citations- 21)

  63. Mukhopadhyay S, George A, Bal V, Ravindran B and Rath S. Bruton's tyrosine kinase deficiency in macrophages inhibits nitric oxide generation leading to enhancement of interleukin-12 induction (1999). Journal of Immunology 163: 1786-1792. (Impact factor- 5.422, Citations- 68)

  64. Mukhopadhyay S, Sahoo PK, George A, Bal V, Rath S and Ravindran B. Delayed clearance of filarial infection and enhanced Th1 immunity due to modulation of macrophage APC functions in xid mice (1999). Journal of Immunology 163: 875-883 (Impact factor- 5.422, Citations- 48)

  65. Ravindran B, Sahoo PK, Mohanty M, Mukhopadhyay S Dash AP. Increased susceptibility of mice with XID mutation to Brugia malayi infection (1999). Medical Science Research 27 : 135-137.

  66. Mukhopadhyay S and Ravindran B. Antibodies to diethylcarbamazine potentiate the anti-filarial activity of the drug (1997). Parasite Immunology 19: 191-195. (Impact factor- 2.220, Citations- 48)

  67. Mukhopadhyay S, Dash AP and Ravindran B. Setaria digitata in Mastomys coucha: An animal model for chemotherapeutic and immunobiological studies (1996). Parasitology 113: 323-330. (Impact factor- 2.783, Citations- 16)

    (Impact Factor - as per Google scholar)

List of Patent taken

Total No of Patents filed – 2 and granted - 1

  1. Mukhopadhyay S, Pal R and Battu MB. Therapeutic composition for Inflammation/Tissue Injury. Indian Patent has been filed on January 7, 2020 (Priority date – January 8, 2019); Patent No. 201941000876 The US patent application has been filed on January 8, 2020 at the US Patent Office (USPTO) and the application number accorded is ‘16737012’.

  2. Mukhopadhyay S. and Ahmed A. A novel therapeutic for treatment of sepsis. Indian patent Application No. 201641002980. Date of Filing - January 27, 2016

  3. S. Mukhopadhyay, K. H. Bhat and N. Khan. A novel protein as potential candidate for development of anti-tuberculosis therapeutics (USA Patent awarded). US Patent Application Number: 12/551,115; Invention ID: IN-000044-02-US-REG Patent No: US-8603739B2 Date of grant: December 10, 2013

      Media Highlights

    1. https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/health/novel-mechanism-may-lead-to-better-tb-control/article6764393.ece
    2. http://vigyanprasar.gov.in/isw/A-new-boost-to-anti-tb-crusade.html
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Last updated on: Friday, 14th October, 2022.

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